The Fantasticast Episode 16: Fantastic Four Annual #1 & Strange Tales Annual #2

The Fantasticast Episode 16

The Best Of Annuals, The Wost Of Annuals

This is the 16th episode of The Fantasticast, and it's our biggest one yet. Which is appropriate, considering we're looking at the largest amount of story pages yet on the show. To help us out with this massive task, we invited podcaster extraordinaire Jon M. Wilson (New 52 Adventures of Superman, Golden Age Superman, Xavier's Podcast For Gifted Children, The Mighty Shield, Amazing Spider-Man Classics, Teenage Wasteland: An Ultimate Spider-Man Podcast) to sit in with us for the show. And to our great delight, he agreed!

It's time for us to take a look at Fantastic Four Annual #1 and Strange Tales Annual #2. In one, the Marvel universe expands in breadth and depth. The world is invaded, the secret history of Atlantis is revealed, and Jack Kirby hits an artistic peak. In the other, there's a load of gubbins involving The Human Torch and some imposter dressed up as Spider-Man, and Jack Kirby hits an artistic trough.

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Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.