The Fantasticast Episode 120: Fantastic Four #104 - Our World -- Enslaved

The Fantasticast Episode 120

Dramatically Defeatist Namor

Hello, and welcome to episode 120 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

This week, we're concluding a story started by Jack Kirby and finished by Stan Lee and John Romita. Magneto has taken command of the armies of Atlantis, developed a curiously personal grudge against the Fantastic Four, and kidnapped Sue and Lady Dorma into the bargain. Can Reed and Namor save their true loves and avert war?

We also take a look at Avengers #82, where we compare and contrast a Stan Lee-penned invasion of New York with a Roy Thomas-penned invasion of New York. And finally, Ben and Triton are busy having some bro time, watching a Netflix marathon, in Sub-Mariner #31.

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Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.